Following the March 07 11 ITB in Berlin / Germany will Derek Houston once again embark across Europe for his annual roadshow on Africa, this year covering Amsterdam, Prague and Warsow, the latter two aimed to further penetrate a fast growing market from countries in the past behind the Iron Curtain.
The Amsterdam workshop will kick off the series at the Marriott Hotel in Amsterdam on March 12th, before moving on to the Czech capital Prague, where the Hotel Ambassador will be the chosen venue on March 14th. Final destination of this whistle stop tour will be the Polish capital Warsow where again the Marriott Hotel will be the venue for the workshop on the 15th March.
Dereks post ITB Spotlight on Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands workshop tour has been hugely successful and often builds on contacts made at ITB or else allows to maximize presence of key staff in Europe for follow up trips to emerging markets and to continue working traditional markets in equal mix. The following added details were passed on by Houston Marketing for interested parties and more information can be found on their website via . Notably will in April two African workshops follow in Johannesburg between 11th and 13th before moving to Harare for 16th and 17th.
Amsterdam March 12th
In conjunction with Anneli Bronkhorst of wwtourism in Holland we have organized Spotlight roadshows in Holland for the past 6 years. The Netherlands, as you all know is a very important market for Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands and ranks as one of the top European source markets for many African countries. Spotlight has now become a must attend function for the Dutch Tour operators who sell Africa/Indian Ocean. In March 2011 we had 79 attendees.
Central Europe Prague Czech Republic 14 March and Warsaw Poland 15 March
Two key emerging markets for Africa.
Czech Republic There are a number of Africa specialist tour operators already in the market, and the Indian Ocean islands are already established beach destinations for the Czech upper-middle class. In 2010 3780 Czechs visited Kenya and for the first ten months of 2011 the figure shows a 51% increase!
Poland is an overlooked and under-exploited market. With a population of 39 million it is the sixth largest state in the EU. In 2010 Kenya received 9761 Polish visitors and already for the first ten months of 2011 there has been a 62% increase. A number of other African countries are seeing a significant rise in arrivals from Poland. South Africa received nearly 10,000 Polish visitors in 2010 and the SA Embassy predicts a substantial growth in 2011 and 2012
Houston Travel Marketing Services have teamed up with Paddington Tucker of Travel e-SENSE based in Prague to jointly run this workshop. Travelesense will look after the logistics of the workshops and arrange all the advertising and promotions with the Trade press in both countries.