QM TOURISM AWARDS 1ST round of voting ends on JUNE 11TH


(Posted 07th June 2024)



Quality Management Awards” – Quality Management Awards, which will be held for the 14th time this year, has the mission to serve Turkish Tourism by appreciating and encouraging Turkey’s tourism professionals, investments, investors, tour operators, agencies, individuals, institutions and private businesses.


In its 14th year, QM will emphasize the importance of ‘quality‘ and ‘light‘. With the slogan “QUALITY IS THE LIGHT”, QM presents all industry stakeholders who successfully represent Turkey, who continue to provide added value to their country and industry, and who have made this a principle, to the evaluation of all industry professionals.


Two Stage Voting System:

Candidates and winners of the “Quality Management” awards are determined by two-stage voting.

QM Awards Round 1 voting will end on June 11 and Round 2 voting is starting on June 12. The voting process will end on June 26.

A total of 110,000 tourism stakeholders, both national and international, visited the QM Awards survey page last year. QM AWARDS voting is conducted via e-mail to GM Magazine readers and the tourism industry and via the voting link on www.gmdergi.com.







Your comments are welcome and will receive a response in due course.