Queen Elizabeth National Park honoured for most bird sightings


(Posted 19th November 2017)

Over 340 bird species were seen at Queen Elizabeth National Park during the #BigBirdingDay2017 in Uganda, making it the location with the highest number of sightings followed by Kidepo Valley National Park.
A record number of bird watchers went to locations all over Uganda hoping to better the 2016 results. The team searching Mabamba Bay ticked over 100 birds on their list and the overall 26 teams with over 500 participants did not rue their venturing out of the city into the country’s parks, reserves, wetlands and forests.
745 bird species, out of Nature Uganda’s overall country total of 1.061, were recorded this year, some 40 more than last year, establishing a new sighting record for Uganda in a single day.
Outside the protected areas was it Team Bigodi which took the honours, followed by Team Lutembe.

Ms. Sylvia Kalembe from the Uganda Tourism Board had earlier on indicated that the government is committed to promoting Uganda as a birding destination. The country has received many accolades and recognition around the world as a leading birding destination, something which needs to be built on.

In average a tourist spends about 150 US Dollars per day while in Uganda. Birders spend longer time in the country compared to other tourists with their stay often exceeding two weeks as they criss cross the country in search of their feathered friends and therefore leave more money behind and often at locations where mainstream tourists do not go.

Uganda with over 1.000 bird species, holds within her boundaries over 45 percent of Africa’s bird numbers and a staggering 10 plus percent of the global bird numbers.

Congratulations from this correspondent to the participants and teams, unable to join the fun due to assignments outside the country. Acknowledged are the efforts of Nature Uganda, the Uganda Wildlife Authority, the Uganda Tourism Board and other sponsors and supporters of this annual event.