Rembrandt Bangkok hosts Kenya Food Festival


(Posted 26th November 2013)

Promoting Kenya was on top of the agenda when the Rembrandt Hotel & Towers in Thailand’s capital of Bangkok recently hosted a Kenya Food Festival, made possible by the initiative of the Rembrandt’s General Manager Eric Hallin who staged the event with the support of Kenya Airways, which flies daily from Nairobi to Bangkok, and the Leopard Beach Resort & Spa, aka The Chui.

Executive Chef Mugami Muthunguhad gone for a stint to the Rembrandt to get up to date insight into the latest of fusion cuisine, which is popular in Thailand. Mugami will bring home with him recipes and techniques ahead of the Chui’s opening of their new African Asian Fusion Restaurant ‘The Lemon Grass’ which is due to launch soon when the new villas, named ‘The Residences’ at the Leopard Beach are commissioned, to make sure the food served will be authentic, adding no doubt to the already high culinary reputation of the Chui.

The Rembrandt and Kenya Airways had also worked hand in hand to put together the grand prize during a recent joint function of the Skal Clubs of Nairobi and Mombasa, where the winner got a free stay at the Rembrandt and was flown there courtesy of The Pride of Africa.

The Kenya Food Festival at the Rembrandt raised a lot of interest and managed to showcase Kenya from its sunniest side and the main prize was again a ticket on Kenya Airways to Mombasa, via Nairobi, a stay at the Leopard Beach Resort & Spa and a safari to the Satao Camp in Tsavo East, where game galore awaits the winner.

(From left Senator Mutahi Kagwe, Hataiporn Suwanmethajarn – Country Manager Kenya Airways for Thailand and Mekong, Dr Fred Okengo Matiangi – Cabinet Secretary for Information, Communication and Technology, Kamolnuch Bhiromsawad- Director Sales & Marketing , Diana Kiambuthi- Charge d Affaires Embassy of Kenya in the Kingdom of Thailand and Eric Hallin – Host and GM of the famous Rembrandt Hotel & Towers)

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