Reunion – a premier destination for hikers, mountain bikers and horse back riders

Salon du Randonneur


(Posted 18th March 2016)

Exploring the great outdoors while on Reunion Island, be it on foot, horseback or mountain bicycle, the Hiker Fair is an opportunity to find out all there is to know for adventure travelers. From 18th to 20th of March 2016 is Reunion Tourism, in short IRT, exhibiting at the Cité Internationale Convention Centre in Lyon.
Visitors to the trade fair can learn about some of the 900 km’s of marked trails which criss cross the island of Reunion.
Reunion is known for its exceptional mountainous terrain, and offers three major hiking, biking and horseback riding trails crossing the Pitons, cirques and the ramparts of the island which have been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Outdoors fans can choose between its basins with energizing waterfalls , its active volcano or its lagoon protected by a coral reef and its underwater wildlife and multicolored flora, in other words Reunion can be discovered in the water, on land and from the air.
As often said here is the island ideal for outdoor activities, especially for hiking.
At the Hiker Fair, visitors have the opportunity to learn about the various hiking paths Reunion of which over 900 kilometers are marked and offer various degrees of difficulties and challenges.
It is also an opportunity to discover that a visit to Reunion takes one truly off the beaten track!
The Island of Reunion Tourism Board, Lodging of France and Rando Mafate will be at hand to promote the island’s attractions at the Hiking Fair.

Fair Hiker - B1 stand

And one, and two, and three options to discover Reunion’s Great Outdoors!

There are 900 km of marked hiking, biking and horse back trails across the island from north to south and from east to west. For lovers of the great outdoors seeking the more unusual, they can discover the delights of exploring the slopes of the volcano on foot, bicycle or on horseback!