Reunion Tourism courts the Belgian market


(Posted 04th December 2013)

Reunion Tourism joined hands with the island’s home carrier Air Austral, LUX Resorts and the Le Recif Resort to attend a Belgian mini trade show organized by ‘Footprints’, with 10 travel agencies from across the country learning about the French Indian Ocean ‘Vanilla Island’.

Reunion has of late embarked on an ambitious marketing campaign to widen their scope of tourist visitors and reduce their almost single reliance in the past on the French domestic market. With Air Austral flying 12 times a week between Reunion’s Roland Garros International Airport and Paris, connections are easy as Belgium is connected by fast train services from Brussels directly to Paris CDG airport.

Though one of the 7 Vanilla Island Organization members, Reunion is unique in several ways, for one being part of France even though located between Madagascar and Mauritius and for the other through the unique product offerings the island has for visitors. From the conventional beach holidays to the rugged interior where deep valleys and gorges await adventurers and hikers to the top of one of the Indian Ocean’s most active volcanoes, from dolphin and whale watching to diving and deep sea fishing, from paragliding to heli safaris over the island to white water rafting, Reunion has much to offer and yet is little known in comparison to some of the other Vanilla Islands.

Reunion Tourism CEO Pascal Viroleau and his team, fully supported by the President of the Regional Council of La Reunion Didier Robert, are committed to changing this lack of knowledge about Reunion and have embarked on an ambitious programme of attending trade fairs and arranging for tour operators, travel agents and the travel media to come to the island and become ambassadors and marketers after being able to sample the unique blend this island offers between culture, heritage, sea and sand and adventure activities.

For more information about the island visit