Reunion Tourism looking at record cruise ship season ahead


(Posted 29th October 2017)


In total, no less than fifty cruise liners will stop on Reunion island between October 2017 and April 2018 against 27 only for the entire 2016/2017 season . The new season will therefore bring in even more cruise passengers than the previous to discover Destination Reunion ( and its many attractions and treasures.

To boost cruise tourism was the reception area of the ferry terminal redeveloped by the Grand Port Maritime of Reunion and new facilities have been installed in partnership with the FRT and the IRT.

The origin of cruise passengers will vary over the course of the season, and among visitors from Europe and South Africa there is also growing interest by Australians in the island. In charge of the reception at the Port of Pointe des Galets, the teams of the FRT will have the mission to guide a lot more visitors to the various activities and visits possible during stopovers.

As every year the entire island mobilizes to welcome the cruise tourists and make them discover the different parts of the island from the volcano massif to the architectural treasures of Saint-Denis, from the Hauts de l’île to the beaches of black or white sand where they will have the opportunity to taste the culinary flavors of Reunion and to trace the history of Reunion in the different regional museums.
This is a real opportunity for all tourism professionals on the island, whether they are restaurateurs, guides, carriers, supervisors of outdoor activities, artisans or traders to tap into this huge potential cruise liner stops bring to the local economy. IRT, sort for Isle de Reunion Tourisme for its part, welcomes the growing attractiveness of the destination and will maintain in 2018 an important media presence to support the growth observed in 2017.

Notably have other Vanilla Island organization members too benefited from this rapid rise in port calls, namely the Seychelles and Mauritius while Madagascar, due to the present health situation is likely the big loser this year.