Reunion Tourism provides stakeholders with Chinese customer training


(Posted 09th February 2018)

Training on welcoming Chinese customers

Reunion Island Tourism, in short IRT, invited professionals adhering to the label Quality Tourism Reunion Island (QTIR) to a training entitled "How to better accommodate Chinese travelers". Thirty professionals participated in this training session led by Christian Verlisier of the bilingual Chinese-English linguistic and artistic center Ling Art.

Reunion is continuing its development efforts in the Chinese market, an emerging market with high potential, whose positive results are already showing. Since the exemption of visas for Chinese travelers in July 2014, Reunion has recorded a steady increase in Chinese tourist numbers on the island. To this end, the IRT has offered training to Reunion tourism professionals, members of the QTIR label, to acquire basic concepts and information to better accommodate the Chinese tourist clientele.
Christian Verlisier of the Chinese-English bilingual linguistic and artistic center Ling Art has provided theoretical training accompanied by practical and concrete examples , as well as cultural advice tailored to the needs of these professionals. The participants were trained in the customs and habits of Chinese culture, especially in the field of leisure and food, with the aim of offering a quality service adapted to this demanding clientele. Of testimonies and experience feedback also helped enrich the training morning.

At the end of this presentation, a typical Chinese breakfast was offered to the participants. They were delighted by this introduction how to better welcome Chinese travelers, so that they provide their guests with special attention vis a vis their meal requirements and other expectations.

Breakfast dej_600.jpg

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