RhiNEWS January: Poaching in 2015, Making an Impact & Rhino Dog Squad update

RhiNEWS January: Poaching in 2015, Making an Impact & Rhino Dog Squad update

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RhiNEWS_Title_left.jpg JANUARY 2016
In January, South Africa reported a slight dip in poaching levels during 2015, however neighbouring countries have experienced an alarming increase. Read on for full details.

This month we are pleased to share our latest Impact Report, demonstrating how Save the Rhino has supported rhino conservation worldwide with your help.

Plus we have an exciting update on our Rhino Dog Squad appeal!


Poaching levels fall slightly in South Africa, but escalate elsewhere

49b4af8d-6f56-4533-844b-76f0b7165fff.jpg 1,175 rhinos were poached in South Africa during 2015, a slight decrease on the previous year when a record 1,215 rhinos were illegally killed. Although it is encouraging to see South Africa’s poaching levels fall slightly, poaching losses are still extremely high.

Worryingly, poaching has increased in neighbouring countries in southern Africa. During 2015, Namibia lost 80 rhinos to poaching, up from 25 in 2014 and just two in 2012. In Zimbabwe, it is reported that at least 50 rhinos were poached last year, more than double the previous year. For Africa as a whole, the total number of rhinos poached during 2015 was the highest in two decades.

Read the full story on our website.


Impact Report 2014-15

e3419da3-c75e-489b-b1dc-30393eddf8d2.jpgRead our latest Impact Report to find out how Save the Rhino has supported rhino conservation worldwide and how your donations make a difference!

Our Impact Report demonstrates how our financial and technical support has impacted rhino conservation efforts through each of our five strategies.

Read our Impact Report 2014-15 online.


Rhino Dog Squad fundraising success

3e14f225-0933-47f1-a663-9d8224164b3f.jpg On behalf of the dogs and rangers at Ol Jogi, Ol Pejeta, Lewa and Borana Conservancies, we would like to thank all of our supporters who so generously donated to our ‘Rhino Dog Squad’ appeal.

With the kind donations from individuals, zoos, safari parks, companies and organisations around the world, you’ve helped us raise over £47,500 since June 2015 for the incredible canine units protecting rhinos in Kenya.

Special thanks to Twogether Creative, Woburn Safari Park and the listeners of Radio 4 for their generous contributions.

Please help us reach our £50,000 target by donating online.


Looking ahead to 2016

a6c4d658-2767-41b8-aa4f-26e2c70f7b42.jpg There are several key international meetings and conferences this year with significant impacts for rhinos.

In February, 70 experts from 18 countries will gather for the IUCN African Rhino Specialist Group meeting to discuss many topics, including range state reports, support programmes, responses to poaching, the demand for rhino horn and more. During the meeting African rhino population figures will also be compiled as at 31 December 2015.

In September, experts will meet for the 17th CITES Conference of Parties to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa. There is much speculation that South Africa will table a proposal asking CITES to legalise the international trade in rhino horn. The government has until April to submit a proposal to CITES for consideration at the September meeting.

Read the full story on our website.


The perfect Valentine’s gift

d54a1354-01db-472c-aee5-e319a7ba8b70.jpg Treat your special someone to our loved-up rhino couple and spread the rhinomance this Valentine’s Day. You can even have your gift personalised and sent straight to your Valentine!

Buy yours for £14 online today and help us raise funds for rhino conservation.

Visit our online shop.


Photo credits: Steve and Ann Toon, Frank af Petersens, Cyril Ruoso

Events2013 - 2014

London Marathon

Don’t miss out on your last chance to join Save the Rhino’s 2016 London Marathon team! We’ll support you every step of the way with a fundraising pack, team evening, tips & advice, a Save the Rhino t-shirt, plus a post-race picnic and massage!

Final applications close on Thursday 4 February so apply today! Contact Grace on grace or apply online.

ongoing events

Douglas Adams Memorial Lecture

Join us for the 14th Douglas Adams Lecture at London’s Royal Geographical Society, where Professor Alice Roberts will be presenting on ”Survivors of the Ice Age”.
Get your tickets online now for £15 and join us for #DAML16


Featured ProgrammeFeatured programme Rhino Protection Units, Indonesia
During October and November 2015, we sent out £37,266 to the rhino conservation programmes we support. This included $2,000, courtesy of the Taiwan Forestry Bureau, to help pay for a new motorcycle for the Rhino Protection Units operating in Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia.

Read full grants online.



Thank you Twogether for their generous pro-bono support for our Rhino Dog Squad campaign and for their Christmas gift donation.
Read more about Twogether, the full-service creative agency online.
Dublin Zoo
Thank you to Dublin Zoo for donating €6,248 to the Lowveld Rhino Trust, Zimbabwe. The team fundraised through a rhino weekend, merchandise sales, cake bakes, raffles and a silent auction, as well as taking part in the Dublin City marathon.
Find out more about Dublin zoo online.
Sporting Rifle
Thanks to Sporting Rifle Magazine and their readers who have raised over £18,000 so far through their current magazine auction. All funds will be split between Big Game Parks in Swaziland and Borana Conservancy in Kenya. Read more online.


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