RhiNews … the latest from Save the Rhino International

Welcome to October’s RhiNEWS bringing you rhino news and updates from around the world
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RhiNEWS_Title_left.jpg OCTOBER 2015
This month we bring you positive news from the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary, a conservation award for Save the Rhino’s Director, as well as taking a look at the global support for World Rhino Day! Read on for your monthly RhiNEWS…….

Second pregnancy at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary

12c85155-c31c-4d54-821a-5675ead8d7c2.jpgExciting news from our partners at the International Rhino Foundation – Sumatran rhino, Ratu, is pregnant with her second calf at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary! Ratu is expected to give birth in May 2016 after successfully mating with Andalas earlier this year.

Pictured above is Ratu’s foetus at 117 days old. The ultrasound images of the developing calf show that the pregnancy is progressing normally.

With fewer than 100 Sumatran rhinos estimated to survive, each birth is an incredibly important milestone for the future survival of the species.

Read more on this story.


Conservation award for Save the Rhino’s Director, Cathy

cacef3d7-4685-4445-b99e-e475470379c3.jpgCathy Dean, Director of Save the Rhino International and a member of the IUCN SSC African Rhino Specialist Group, is among the recipients of this year’s Harry Messel Award for Conservation Leadership. Pictured above is Mike Knight, chair of the AFRSG accepting the award from Simon Stuart, SSC Chair, on her behalf.

Cathy’s award is “In recognition of her passionate and committed leadership of Save the Rhino International, greatly benefitting rhinoceros conservation in Africa and Asia, and her long-term support of the SSC African Rhino Specialist Group.”

Read more on our website.


Thank you for supporting #WorldRhinoDay

98a1eede-9b31-4e25-9019-f04d4da9832b.jpgThank you to all our fantastic rhino fans for making World Rhino Day a huge success on 22 September.

We certainly made a global impression; taking social media by storm, zoo events, cake sales, rhino costume fundraising, #Nailit4Rhinos and more!

Thanks to all those who got involved in our #Nailit4Rhinos campaign, highlighting that rhino horn is made from keratin – the same substance found in human hair and hails. Your creativity was incredible.

Visit our website to see our World Rhino Day gallery including some of the best nail images! And find out the winners of our Barry M competition.


Eight rhinos poached during ‘Supermoon’

49b4af8d-6f56-4533-844b-76f0b7165fff.jpgThe media has reported devastating news from Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park in South Africa, where eight rhinos were killed during three separate poaching incidents in the Park during the last weekend in September.

Another rhino was attacked but survived and is undergoing treatment. The poachers seemed to take advantage of the particularly bright supermoon.

As at 27 August, South Africa had lost 749 rhinos to poaching so far this year.

Read more online.

Photo credits: Dedi Candra, YABI, Scan courtesy of Yayasan Badak Indonesia, Through a guide’s lens with James Suter / Black Bean Productions

Events2013 - 2014Sundowner Dinner
The Mermaid, London

Join us for our annual fundraising dinner, with guest speakers including England Cricket hero David Gower OBE, award winning producer Vanessa Berlowitz, and adventurer Benedict Allen. Click here for tickets and information.

ongoing eventsLondon Marathon 2016

Lace up your shoes, and run away the winter blues by raising money for Save the Rhino! Become a rhino runner and join our team for the Virgin Money London Marathon 2016. Find out more and apply on ourgrace


Featured ProgrammeFeatured programmeSave the Rhino Trust, Namibia
Last month we sent £76,391 in programme grants to the conservation programmes we support. This included £3,262 to Save the Rhino Trust (SRT) in Namibia, to pay for rewards for intelligence leading to arrests.

SRT works to protect the critically endangered desert-adapted black rhino population of Namibia’s Kunene region.

Read more on recent grants.



Aardvark Safaris
Be in for a chance to win a safari in Botswana for two people worth over £8,000 by buying a raffle ticket for £20. Click here to buy your ticket and find out more. Funds raised will support rhino conservation through Save the Rhino and The Wilderness Wildlife Trust. Thank you toAardvark Safaris and Wilderness Safaris for donating this fantastic prize.
Mahlatini Luxury Travel
Thank you to Mahlatini Luxury Travel for donating £1,935 from its Survive membership scheme. This support enables us to provide vital support to our rhino conservation programmes in Africa and Asia. Learn more about Mahlatini, the African travel experts and their work in responsible travel online.

