Rhino Charge 2019 set for 01st of June


(Posted 20th May 2019)

Final preparations for the 31st edition of the Rhino Charge, Kenya’s unique off-road motor competition, are underway at an – as usual – undisclosed location in the untamed wilderness of Northern Kenya. Competing crews and spectators are gearing up ahead of the actual adrenalin-charged motorsport orienteering challenge on Saturday, 1st of June, 2019.

It is not only a world-renowned motorsport event, but also, and primarily, a major fund raising activity for the conservation efforts of Rhino Ark, the charitable trust which works towards the protection of Kenya’s ‘Water Towers’. Indeed, since its inception in 1989, the Rhino Charge has raised a staggering amount of over KES 1.5 billion towards the Aberdare, Mt. Kenya, the Mau Forests Complex and Kakamega Forest.

This year’s Rhino Charge main events are as follows:

• Friday, 31st May – Scrutineering
• Saturday, 1st June – Rhino Charge
• Sunday, 2nd June – Prize-giving

Like in previous years, there will be a Media Corner at the Headquarters. At this Corner, journalists who will have registered with Rhino Ark will be provided with a Media Kit. WI-FI bundles will be available for purchase at the Media Corner.

The digital channels of the Rhino Charge and Rhino Ark are:

Rhino Charge Rhino Ark
Facebook www.facebook.com/RhinoChargeKenya www.facebook.com/RhinoArk
Twitter @rhino_charge @RhinoArk
Instagram Rhino.Charge Rhino.Ark
Hashtag #RhinoCharge #RhinoArk
Youtube youtube.com/rhinocharge4x4
Website www.rhinocharge.co.ke www.rhinoark.org

Anyone who wants to come to the Rhino Charge has to purchase a Vehicle Pass (known as Landowner Access Fee (LAF)) and an accommodation in advance through the Rhino Charge Ticketing Portal: https://rhino-charge.org/.

Please also note that the gate closes at 6:pm strictly and there will be NO ENTRY into the Rhino Charge venue on the day of the Charge (1st June 2019).

For further information on the event, please contact:

  • Kate Mwangi (kate; +254 721 583172)
  • Paul Udoto (pauludoto; +254 721 453981)