Rhino numbers grow to 20 on Ziwa as another baby is born


(Posted 26th July 2017)

(Picture courtesy of Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary)



In breaking news has the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary / Rhino Fund Uganda confirmed that at 08.30 hrs this morning another rhino baby was born from Nandi, one of the initial breeding herd of 3 males and 3 females.
The male baby has already suckled and is showing signs of growing activity levels, indicating that he is of good health.
Nandi has withdrawn into thick bush on Ziwa to ensure that she and her newborn will remain undisturbed though rangers from the sanctuary, from a respectful distance, remain on site to fend off any unwarranted approaches.
Ziwa’s breeding programme was with this latest birth again confirmed to be among the fastest in the world, given the reproduction rate, and with now 20 rhinos on the sanctuary has Ziwa become a must visit site for visitors to Uganda who want to see all the big five during their safari.
Recent communications with Ziwa also suggest that for 2018 as many as 5 additional births can be expected, including, for the first time, from the second generation females, giving rise to hope that rhinos have made a firm comeback to Uganda after this resounding success of the breeding programme.
Congratulations to Ziwa’s and RFU’s Executive Director Angie Genade and the entire team on the sanctuary for this latest accomplishment.

For added information click on www.rhinofund.org