Rhino rangers don’t stop for Christmas
While we enjoy Christmas in the comfort of our own homes, the rhino rangers of Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park won’t be taking any breaks. As Ian, a Section Ranger in iMfolozi Wilderness Section explains, “we live on 24 hour alert and work 365 days a year”.
Unfortunately Christmas and the New Year are often the worst times of year for rhino poaching, and 2014 is no exception. The latest poaching statistics reveal that a shocking 1,116 rhinos have been killed in South Africa so far this year, and worryingly in early December the rate has increased to five rhinos being slaughtered per day.
The rhino rangers in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park are battling round the clock to fight the current poaching crisis, and urgent donations are needed to ensure they are fully equipped to protect rhinos going into the New Year.
Will you ‘Help a Ranger, Save a Rhino’ this Christmas?
Donate now > |
Hear from the rangers
Listen to Ian explain the challenges of protecting rhinos in the iMfolozi Wilderness area, one of the most important rhino habitats in South Africa.

With an area of 30,000 hectares, rangers cover huge distances while monitoring the iMfolozi reserve. Ian explains: ‘It is not uncommon for field rangers to walk 15-20km per day and they do that 24-25 times per month’.

The reality of being a ranger
This Christmas the rangers will be spending long amounts of time away from their families and friends, so that the rhinos can be protected from poaching.
“We have to sacrifice a lot,” Ian says. “The guys are constantly in the field and on stand-by. They’re not surprised when they get a phone call at 2am, saying you need to get out of bed.” This has a massive impact on rangers’ work and their personal lives.
Read more about the rangers’ work in the Wilderness Section >

Help us reach our goal
We are now over 60% towards our £20,000 target, and need your help to reach our Christmas funding goal. Your donations have already helped buy vital ranger equipment, but more is needed to ensure the ranger teams are fully equipped for the New Year.
Ian adds ‘The most basic of things are required, like uniform; my field rangers don’t have rain coats, so they get very, very wet’.
Please donate now to Help a Ranger Save a Rhino and leave a message of support for the rangers>

£20 could buy a new pair of boots
Show the rangers you care this Christmas. With such large distances being covered, the rangers wear through their boots extremely quickly, and these often need replacing. Just £20 could buy a new pair of boots for a ranger. Donate now

£8 could buy pepper spray
Being a rhino ranger is a dangerous job. Pepper spray may be small but it’s an essential item of a ranger’s kit to keep them safe. It is used to apprehend poaching suspects and prevent dangerous animal attacks. Pepper sprays have a limited lifespan and need constantly replacing.
Dear Santa…..
Will you help buy an item on the rangers’ Christmas wish list? Click here to see their list and how your donation can help

Save the Rhino International, Unit 5 Coach House Mews, 217 Long Lane, London, SE1 4PR, United Kingdom
Save the Rhino International – Registered Charity Number: 1035072 © 2014 Save The Rhino International. All rights reserved. |