Another feather in the hat it was when results of a survey conducted by the OECD, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development were published on the global use of aid funds in 78 countries earlier in the week. Some years ago Rwanda had requested to channel all funding through the national budget and assured donors and development partners of best practice in disbursing and using such financial support for the intended purposes. True to their word the OECD study has now shown conclusively that Rwanda has indeed made good of such promises, likely resulting in yet more attention shifting to Rwanda as a preferred partner when it comes to supporting government policies and programmes like the highly acclaimed re-forestation plans which will see 30 percent of the country under forest cover by the year 2020.
Coming out on top of 78 countries is a big achievement. It is also testimony of what can be done in Africa. We often hear that some things cannot be done in Africa, but Rwanda is showing the way and others should follow our examples. We have discipline in government, public officials are held to account and we have a system of checks and balances in every aspect of public life. As a nation we can be proud of the OECD survey results said a regular source from within Rwandas tourism fraternity when asked to comment.
Official delegations as well as individuals arriving in Rwanda for business or a safari holiday have also witnessed a concerted effort to prevent the unplanned and often sprawling suburbs seen in other cities in the region and on the continent in favour of a master plan rollout for the development of Kigali and the country at large. Working streetlights at night, people walking unencumbered at all hours as a result of good security, the pothole free road network in the city and across much of the country, traffic discipline, cleanliness and an orderly well regulated conduct in business and for investments have all catapulted Rwanda to the top of the African performance scale, a source of pride for all Rwandans who have seen their country rise from the ashes as a shining Phoenix. Watch this space.