Rwanda’s revenue sharing boosts broad based conservation efforts


(Posted 15th August 2016)

The Rwanda Development Board hosted a ceremony late last week that features the launch of an anti-poaching campaign and the inauguration of community projects near Nyungwe National Park. The community projects realized under the tourism revenue sharing scheme comprise of the addition of four new classrooms at Gisakura School in Nyamasheke district.
In addition did a partnership between the Rwanda National Police and park officials see 150 KG’s of elephant tusks and poaching weapons captured over the past year, all of which was destroyed during the event in front of the attendees.

Former poachers in Nyungwe Park shared their testimony on how their lives have changed since abandoning the illegal lifestyle and joining forces with the park under the patrol unit.

According to the Mayor of Nyamasheke District, Kamari Aime Fabien, the new classrooms are a welcome addition to the Gisakura School as the existing facilities date back to 1978. This development has transformed the primary school into a smart building which will benefit families in eight villages of Buvungira Cell.

The community of Buvungira Cell had limited access to education because the classrooms of Gisakura School could not accommodate the number of children in the area. Due to RDB’s initiative, access to education and students’ performance have improved. RDB has built not only classrooms for us but also funded the Karengera water project which addresses water shortage and reduced water borne diseases in Mwezi Cell. Our community members are aware and grateful of Nyungwe park’s benefits‘ did Mayor Fabien Kamari say on the occasion, fitting words to describe how communities around Rwanda’s national parks today benefit from income generated by tourism.

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