SA opposes burning of ivory stockpiles

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Conservation Action Trust



SA opposes burning of ivory stockpiles

19 January 2016 | News24 | | FREE TO PUBLISH CREDIT CAT

South Africa opposed a resolution that lauded CITES for supporting the destruction of government stockpiles of ivory seized from poachers and traffickers. It asserted that CITES acted out of turn by encouraging governments to destroy their ivory. Thea Carroll, South Africa’s representative at the meeting, said, “South Africa is concerned about the negative consequences of … Full Story ?


Cites reluctant to turn the screws on ivory world’s deadbeat nations – analysis

19 January 2016 | Daily News | Adam Cruise | FREE TO PUBLISH CREDIT CAT

THE EU has recommended that the conservation treaty organisation Cites enforce an immediate suspension of trade for Angola, Laos and Nigeria. This comes after the three countries failed to provide progress reports on their National Ivory Action Plans (NIAPs). The EU made the call at a meeting last week of the Convention on International Trade … Full Story ?


CITES Committee demands urgent action against wildlife trafficking from African countries

16 January 2016 | Blasting News | J FLOWERS |

The Convention in Brussels ended with urging of trade sanctions for noncompliance Strong resolutions and demands were voiced by the Standing committee for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) at the end of the 66th meeting which ended in Geneva on Friday 15th January.  Two African countries in particular were … Full Story ?


Ivory poaching kingpin freed as ZRP bungles (Zimbabwe)

16 January 2016 | New Zimbabwe | |

A Harare businessman said to be the ringleader of a poaching syndicate was last Friday dragged to the courts on allegations of smuggling six ivory tusks stolen from the Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (Zimparks). George Seremwe, 44, appeared before magistrate Elijah Makomo represented by lawyers Admire Rubaya and Oliver Marwa who contested … Full Story ?


Summary of the 66th meeting of the Standing Committee of CITES – ENB (Earth Negotiations Bulletin) Reports (news feed) on CITES

18 January 2016 | Earth Negotiations Bulletin |International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) |

SUMMARY OF THE SIXTY-SIXTH MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA: 11-15 JANUARY 2016 The sixty-sixth meeting of the Standing Committee (SC66) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) convened from 11-15 January 2016 in … Full Story ?


Legalizing Rhino Horn Trade Won’t Save Species, Ecologist Argues

8 January 2016 | National Geographic | Katarzyna Nowak |

What can South Africa’s rhino horn trade proponents learn from experiences with the South American vicuña? In South Africa in 2014, more than 1,000 white rhinos were poached for their horns—most in famed Kruger National Park. At current poaching levels, white rhinos could become extinct in the wild within 20 years. PHOTOGRAPH BY JAMES P. … Full Story ?


South Africa an Outlier on Ivory Policies

13 January 2016 | National Geographic | Adam Cruise |

It stands nearly alone in opposing the destruction of illegal ivory stockpiles and ending discussions to legalize the ivory trade. This week, representatives from countries around the world are gathered in Geneva to discuss the wildlife trade. The agenda ranges from rhinos to totoabas, but one of the hottest topics is ivory: Some 30,000 elephants are … Full Story ?


More African Elephants May Be Sold to China This Year

1 January 2016 | National Geographic | Adam Cruise |

Zimbabwe’s government says that it’s willing to take more young elephants from their herds and export them to tourist facilities in China. In October 2014, tens of young elephants were taken from their family groups in Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park, where they were held in a capture unit for eight months until July 2015. That’s when 24 were … Full Story ?