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Kenya’s Ivory Kingpin Denied Bail Again
The rollercoaster courtroom drama of Kenyan ivory kingpin Feisal Ali Mohammed continues. Following his arrest in late 2014 for smuggling 2 tonnes of ivory, last month he was once again granted bail. Amid widespread outrage prosecutors appealed successfully and he remains in jail. Save the Elephants & the Elephant Crisis Fund are supporting Wildlife Direct to keep the pressure on this critical test of Kenya’s ability to prosecute traffickers. International challenges remain, as illustrated by the extraordinary case of three Chinese nationals arrested in Switzerland with over 600 pounds of ivory but released to return home.

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Yankari Elephants/WCS
Saving Nigeria’s Last Elephants
The 350 or so elephants of Nigeria’s Yankari National Reserve are the last remaining viable population in Nigeria. Until recently their chances of survival looked grim. An increasingly sophisticated poaching threat was taking out both rangers and elephants. In 2014 the Wildlife Conservation Society signed a joint management agreement with the reserve, and in May this year the Elephant Crisis Fund (ECF) financed them to equip and train an elite ranger force. To date they have made 32 arrests in 44 patrols. Thanks to partners like ROAR AFRICA and others the first phase of the ECF has reached its $5m goal, with 100% of funds reaching the field.

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Conservation’s Meaning
With the conflict between humans and wildlife an escalating issue across Africa, innovative and sustainable solutions are key. At their field research station in Tsavo the Elephants & Bees project goes from strength to strength. Here Kenyan intern Esther Serem tells how her work in Tsavo has helped her understand the meaning of Conservation.

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San Diego Prize
Iain’s San Diego Prize
Iain Douglas-Hamilton was honoured to be awarded the San Diego Prize for Conservation last month. The San Diego Zoo is a long-term supporter of conservation in the field, and awards the prize to individuals who have advanced the cause and made a lasting contribution to the conservation and recovery of animals, plants, habitats or ecosystems.

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Prince William
Prince to Speak to China
Prince William is to talk about the impacts of buying ivory with up to 100 million people in China through an address on CCTV1, the nation’s main TV station. The Prince has appeared on the station before, in an ECF-supported advert by WildAid that appeared 77 times on the day of his visit to China. The new invite comes ahead of a visit by the Chinese premier to the UK.

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This Wild Life
A ten-part TV series on life in Kenya’s Samburu National Reserve featuring Save the Elephants and Elephant Watch Camp has hit the screens in the UK! Produced by the BBC Natural History Unit, the show is anchored by Saba Douglas-Hamilton, who will be speaking about her adventures atLondon’s Royal Geographical Society next month.

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Our Mission: To secure a future for elephants and sustain the beauty and ecological integrity of the places they live, to promote man’s delight in their intelligence and the diversity of their world, and to develop a tolerant relationship between the two species.

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