Sayari Dunia Foundation appoints Alain St. Ange as a Board Member


(Posted 08th July 2023)


Alain St.Ange, the former Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine of the Seychelles and head of his Saint Ange Tourism Consultancy has been appointed as a Board Member of the Sayari Dunia Sustainable Tourism Foundation.

This climate action, sustainable tourism and heritage non – profit and non- governmental organisation is leading a green and sustainability movement in tourism development in Africa through its climate action programmes in support of the UN SDGs and African Union Agenda 2063.



Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles former Minister for Tourism and Culture, who was also Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine joins a number of distinguished personalities on the prestigious board amongst whom are Ms. Abigail Adesina Olagbaye, the Chairman of the foundation, Mohammed Mezghani, the Secretary General of International Association of Public Transport UITP; Hisham Zaazou, Egypt’s former tourism minister who served under 3 presidents until 2016; Ishanlosen Odiaua, World Bank senior social development specialist and president of International Council of Museums and Monuments ICOMOS Advisory Committee, Kazeem Sanusi, systems and cities expert and CEO KFSP etc.

Alain St.Ange, who has been busy with tourism consultancy work in different parts of Africa and in Asia and who continues to be heard regularly on the Speaker’s Circuit with his trade mark ‘off the cuff’ addresses on tourism, sustainable tourism drive and climate change said that his continued work across Africa and beyond has been recognised and has resulted in his appointments on boards and foundations supporting tourism. “I am honoured to be called upon to be part of this Board and I will continue to work with the needed passion that is so needed for managing tourism” said Alain St.Ange.


About the Sayari Dunia Foundation

Sayari Dunia Sustainable Tourism Foundation, the climate action and sustainable tourism and heritage non- profit and non- governmental organisation, ?eading a green and sustainability movement in tourism development in Africa through its climate action programmes in support of the UN SDGs and African Union Agenda 2063, has inaugurated its board one year after its founding.

The inaugural board meeting which took place on the 4th of July, 2023 also marked the first year anniversary of the foundation which occurred on the 29th of June, 2023.

The chairman of the foundation, Ms. Abigail Adesina Olagbaye stated that the objective of the board meeting was to present the 2022 annual report and to set the agenda for the foundations programmes.

The prestigious board constitutes notable professionals and personalities across sectors and borders within and outside Africa amongst whom are –  Mohammed Mezghani, the Secretary General of International Association of Public Transport UITP; Alain St. Ange, Seychellois former Minister for  Tourism and Culture who was also Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine; Hisham Zaazou, Egypt’s former tourism minister who served under 3 presidents until 2016; Ishanlosen Odiaua, World Bank senior social development  specialist and president of International Council of Museums and Monuments ICOMOS Advisory Committee, Kazeem Sanusi, systems and cities expert and CEO KFSP etc.

The annual report contained the organisation’s vision, strategic direction, governance, financials and covered other scope vital to its objectives. It was emphasized at the meeting that the laudable programmes of the organisation will be engineered in response to Africa’s regions and respective peculiarities with respect to climate change and sustainable tourism development.

The meeting had robust discussions around green jobs for youths and women, sustainable cities and the linkages with sustainable transport to boost tourism in Africa’s cities and communities amongst other laudable initiatives.

The meeting was adjourned till later in the year when the board will be convened for an evaluation of the impact and milestones of the organisation.


ATCNews wishes Alain and the Sayari Dunia Foundation the very best!