Seychelles second airport on the island of Praslin, destination for dozens of flights from the main island of Mahe every week by twin engined turboprob aircraft, has now received brand new navigation equipment, which recently went operational, identical to new equipment also now in use at the Mahe International Airport.
Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority installed a DVOR system, aka Doppler Omni Directional Range, which is now guiding aircraft into the two airports but also serves for aircraft in overflight mode to give them location data.
The upgrades are in line with modernizing air traffic control and introducing state of the art navigational equipment as recommended by ICAO to member countries.
Air Seychelles operates multiple daily flights between Mahe and Praslin besides which charters by Zil Air’s fixed wing and rotor aircraft are taking tourists to the archipelago’s second largest island, home of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Vallee de Mai, after which the national airline’s second Airbus A330-200 was named yesterday.
Watch this space for news updates from the Seychelles on all matters of aviation, tourism and conservation.