Seychelles Tourism Academy – where ‘State of the Art’ is the norm rather than the exception

Seychelles Tourism Academy to benefit from specialized training sponsored by Constance Hotels and Micros Fidelio

Last Thursday evening, marked another important headway for the local tourism sector, especially for the Seychelles Tourism Academy (STA) whose students will soon benefit from specialized training on the usage of hospitality designed Micros Fidelio’s programmes as well as Wellness & Spa treatment.

This was made possible after two Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) were signed between the Seychelles Tourism Academy (STA), Constance Ephelia Resort (Seychelles), Constance Belle Mare Plage (Mauritius) and Micros- Fidelio Ltée (Mauritius).

The signing took place at the Constance Ephelia Resort in Port Launay whereby the resort’s general manager, Jean-Marc Lagesse was amongst the key signatories whom also included the Minister of Tourism and Culture, Alain St.Ange, the principal of STA, Flavien Joubert and the Advisor to the CEO of Constance Hotels, Claude Narain as well as John Stravens who is the chairperson of the Tourism Sub-Committee within the Seychelles Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI).

Amongst the distinguished guests present at the ceremony, there was also the Principal Secretary for Tourism, Anne Lafortune and the CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board, Sherin Naiken as well as the Minister for Tourism of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Elvis Mutiri Wa Bashara who is in Seychelles on a short visit.

During his opening remarks, STA’s principal, Mr Joubert explained that through the first MoU, the Constance Ephelia Resort in collaboration with Micros- Fidelio Ltée will be providing the STA lecturers with the necessary equipment and special training in how to operate and manage the Micros Fidelio’s programmes. As a result of this agreement, STA will then be is a position to continuously provide professional courses to its current and future students.

As for the second MoU, Mr Joubert said that the Academy sees the introduction of a new exciting project whereby the Constance Belle Mare Plage in Mauritius will be providing Advanced Practical internship for STA’s Wellness and Spa graduates. The Advanced Practical internship can be from one to six months with the possibility that the STA graduates could benefit from a two-year working experience in Constance Hotels in Mauritius. The first STA Wellness and Spa graduate to benefit from this Advanced Practical internship is 21 year-old Annie Julienne, who was also present at the ceremony, accompanied by her proud parents.

I am so excited and cannot wait to embark on this new journey. Receiving this internship is a result of all the late nights studying and the hard work I have put in. I am glad that the Constance Hotels are supporting the local tourism students by providing such professional training. This helps students like me to get one step closer in achieving our dreams’ said Miss Julien while speaking to the local media.

Mr Narain who is also the patron of STA, stated that the global hospitality industry has evolved tremendously over the years and will continue to grow at a swift pace. ‘We are living in a digital age whereby everything and everyone is becoming dependent on technology; and the hospitality industry is no different. Therefore the more reason why Constance Hotels and the Seychelles Tourism Academy realised it’s imperative that today’s tourism students should get more familiar and hands-on experience with hospitality designed programmes’ said Mr Narain. He went on to explain that MICROS is a global market leader in developing ‘point-of-sale’ (POS) software systems for the retail, hospitality and catering industries. In fact, he averred, that it is one of the most common used software systems currently found in Mauritius and growing rapidly in Seychelles too.

For his part, Minister St Ange expressed his satisfaction in seeing once again, a partnership between the private sector and the STA for the greater good of Seychelles’ tourism industry. ‘It’s only when we work together whilst using each other’s strength that we are able to move mountains. I am pleased that more and more private companies are recognising the importance to invest in tourism education’ said Minister St Ange. Furthermore, he was also particularly pleased to hear that Constance Hotels are also interested in assisting STA with specialized training in the field of managing Kids Clubs as Seychelles is slowly but surely also becoming a family destination.


Top – The distinguished guests present at the ceremony consisted mainly of tourism key stakeholders and business leaders.

Middle Left – The official signing of the two Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Middle Right – The Adviser to the CEO of Constance Hotels, Claude Narain and the Minister of Tourism and Culture, Alain St Ange exchange a warm handshake.

Bottom Left – Minister St Ange addressing the assembled guests.

Bottom Right – Annie Julienne (middle), the first STA graduate to benefit from the newly established internship, poses with her proud parents to capture the special occasion.