Ghana, 6 other countries named in Latest SA visa free source countries
July 10, 2019 Courtesy of Mr. Kojo Bentum-Williams and VoyagesAfriq
Ghana has been named by South Africa’s home affairs department as one of the seven countries to enjoy visa free facility to South Africa.
South African travel media website earlier this morning reported that Aaron Motsoaledi, the Minister of Home Affairs in South Africa, has announced additions to South Africa’s Visa free countries at the Budget Vote 2019.
They listed the countries as
* Qatar
* United Arab Emirates
* New Zealand
* Saudi Arabia
* Cuba
* Ghana
* Sao Tome and Principe
The South African tourism industry applauded the good news at the SATSA conference.
Adds ATCNews: However, the tourism industry from the East African countries have lamented that once again non African countries have been given preference with five of the seven countries not from Africa. While applauding South Africa for the move are demands renewed to open up the country for visitors from across Africa and either waive Visa requirements or else grant Visa on arrival.