Southern Africa set for more regular appearances on


(Posted 15th August 2018)


While on a visit to the Kenya coast, and more specifically to Malindi, did opportunity arise to finally meet face to face with Karin Duthie and Mark Henningsen, owners of the fabulous Neem House (
Connected via social media and Karin following the website for several years, did that personal meeting break the proverbial ice, when almost simultaneously did she ask why I had little content about Botswana and neighbouring countries while I asked if she could link me with companies and individuals able to share their stories.

Gill Staden in her Livingstone Bi-Weekly does periodically provide information about Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe but nowhere near enough and readers have time and again requested that the geographical coverage of ATCNews be expanded to these countries and even further beyond.

First on the ball was Nirvani Pillay of Wilderness Safaris who was swift to provide the first of hopefully many stories – about the ‘Return to Chikwenya‘ and while this one is about Zimbabwe, there will be some stories upcoming from Botswana too in the very near future.

There’s a place on the Zambezi, in Zimbabwe’s Mana Pools National Park, which must be one of the most beautiful sites for a camp in southern Africa. In front lies a floodplain often dotted with buffalo or elephant, and beyond that the broad Zambezi River, with a backdrop provided by the mountains of the Rift Valley escarpment.

Its name is Chikwenya.

Many Wilderness staff and guests remember it well from years gone by. As a result, we’re very excited to announce that we’re going back – so excited in fact, that we’re even going to open this year for a short period before the end of the season:
1 October to 15 November 2018.

And to celebrate our return, if you visit during this period, not only will you be among the first to get a sneak peek of this spectacular piece of Africa, you will receive a 25% discount. Bookings are now open!

Contact your Journey Specialist for more information or to make a booking.

Note: For this season, guests will fly into Mana Main airstrip and have a 2h30min drive into camp. In addition, water activities will be limited to boats only; no canoes. The 2019 season will open on 1 April with a new airstrip and full activities.


Wilderness Safaris is thrilled to announce its return to Chikwenya in Zimbabwe’s majestic 1.7 million hectare (4.2 million acre) Mana Pools National Park. The elegant new Chikwenya Camp, situated at the confluence of the Sapi and Zambezi Rivers on the eastern boundary of the Park, will be opening for guests on 01st of October 2018.


Chikwenya is arguably one of the most beautiful sites for a camp in southern Africa

Wilderness last operated Chikwenya in 2006 and we are thrilled to be back. In this way, we not only demonstrate our unwavering commitment to driving authentic and sustainable ecotourism in Zimbabwe, but can reveal the wonders of this extraordinary wilderness area to our guests”, said Keith Vincent, Wilderness Safaris CEO. “Our Chikwenya site is one of the most beautiful places for a camp in southern Africa and we can’t wait to introduce the new camp to our guests, even if it’s just for a short period of time before the end of the season on 15th of November 2018”.

Overlooking the Zambezi River and the spectacular Rift Valley escarpment in the distance, Chikwenya will open as a six-tented camp. The canvas tents are erected on low wooden decks and pine walkways link them to the raised main area. A lounge, dining and bar area offer a place of hospitality and relaxation, and a pool and deck and fire place offer alternate spaces to enjoy the scenery and passing wildlife.

The camp is situated on a private concession, offering guests exclusive access to the lower reaches and mouth of the Sapi River as well as Chikwenya Island. The varied habitat, from verdant riverine forest to floodplain grasslands, attracts a range of wildlife in considerable numbers. Key mammals seen include buffalo, elephant, kudu, zebra, waterbuck, hippo, lion, wild dog, leopard and occasionally nyala, while species such as black-throated wattle-eye, red-necked falcon, eastern nicator, Narina trogon and Livingstone flycatcher make this a birder’s paradise.

All safari activities at Chikwenya will be led by highly skilled guides, and include interpretive day and night game drives, guided nature walks, boating and catch-and-release fishing (canoeing will be available for the 2019 season, which will run from 01st of April to 15th of November).

With Chikwenya back in our fold, we are truly able to offer our guests a multitude of incredible safari options in Zimbabwe’s best wilderness concessions. Our life-changing journeys are all about Purpose, ultimately ensuring that authentic and sustainable ecotourism continues to make a positive contribution to the conservation of Zimbabwe’s wilderness and wildlife and the empowerment of its people”, Keith concluded.