Tanzania aviation news – TCAA admits to challenges

The Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority has earlier in the week acknowledged that operational constraints across the countrys airports, aerodromes and airfields are a major challenge to their mandate and objective to increase travel by air across the country.
In particular the availability of aviation fuels on such often remote locations, far from the main airports of Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro International / Arusha or Mwanza, made operations by airlines difficult, compelling them to bring the required fuel for the return or onward flight along instead of re-fuelling on location. The absence of infrastructure like runway lighting too was seen as a problem as many outlying aerodromes and airfields could only be accessed during daylight hours, restricting the use of aircraft capable of flying at night to the main airports but not the rest of the country. This, according to the TCAA Director General Mr. Fadhil Mangoni, was leaving much of the expensive infrastructure at other secondary airports unusable at night. Amongst suggestions made by TCAA was tax incentives for companies willing to store aviation fuels at such remote places and greater investments by government in aviation infrastructure to keep more airports and aerodromes open around the clock.