The Comoros Islands – Alain St. Ange delivers his 4th lecture on board luxury cruiseliner


(Posted 22nd March 2024)


Few are more qualified to talk about the Indian Ocean islands than former Seychelles’ Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine – Alain St. Ange.

He was the driving force behind the formation of the marketing cooperation of the African Indian Ocean Islands, known as the Vanilla Islands, and notably the only person to ever serve two terms of office, having been named as inaugural president of the organization and then being re-elected for a second term of office due to his commitment and capacity to advance the objectives of the Vanilla Islands during the crucial first two years.



Yesterday’s lecture by Alain St. Ange was ‘Why Comores?” touching on the history, economy and tourism attractions of the islands, having spoken about the French Indian Ocean island of Mayotte earlier in the week. Mayotte in a referendum of inhabitants – similar to Reunion – had opted to stay with France when the Comoros gained independence.



There will be a further four lectures by Alain St. Ange before he will disembark in the Seychelles, his second such lecture ‘circuit’ on board this luxury cruise liner after a sterling performance last year.





One Response

  1. Je tiens à préciser que lors de l’admission des Comores aux Nations Unies la résolution a bien spécifiée les Comores QUATRE ÎLES. Et c’est le droit international qui doit primer. La France outrepasse ce droit

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