The Driftwood Malindi – Safe to Visit


(Posted 09th December 2020)

Greetings to ATCNews Readers from Roger Sylvester and the entire Driftwood Malindi team …

Here is their message for you ahead of the Festive Season …

With the Christmas Festive Season upon us, we thought it was important to let you know how we are keeping you, our friends and valued guests, safe during this time…

  • Mandatory temperature screening and name/telephone number registration at the gate.
  • Hand wash station conveniently located before entering reception.
  • Bottled hand sanitizer available at reception, at the bar and as you enter the dining room.
  • All visitors are requested to kindly wear a mask and maintain their social distance at all times.

Further to that, we have other prescribed protocols in place….

  • Our reception team and the barmen will serve you from behind a protective screen.
  • All counter surfaces and tables are well sanitized during and at the end of each service.
  • Each of our staff members wear protective masks at all times. We provide them with laundered uniforms every day and they too wash and sanitize their hands during their shift.
  • Our dining room tables are spread out to a safe social distance.
  • Your room is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before you arrive and only assigned housekeeping staff are permitted to enter during your stay.
For related questions or more detailed information please contact us via email or telephone on +254 721 724 489 or feel free to browse our website following the link below…
Browse our website…