The Fisayo shares more of her insights from her recent visit to #Kenya #MKTE2019

(The Fisayo on the immediate left and yours truly right opposite – at the Mara River with the ‘Fab Six‘ media team)

#TravCulture: Destination Breakfast

"Destination Breakfast", this is a big deal. Yes I made the name up. However, having a blissful breakfast at 8 am with the cool breeze sweeping my face is worth being called a "Destination Breakfast".
CLICK HERE to see more.

YES!! I witnessed this happen (which is rare to spot in person), CLICK HERE find out what the lions did when then looked back and saw me taking pictures.
See more!

#TravCulture: Travel Preference

Kindly CLICK HERE to share what you would rather do when you travel to a new place. It is a short question with options which would take less than 1 minuet of your time please. Ese (Thank you).


#TravCulture: Award Nomination!

Fam! Voting is now open for about three weeks, which gives us enough time to get votes. Please CLICK HERE to vote.

Thank you!

Voting Category:

  • YOUNG TOURISM PERSONALITY: Fisayo Olayinka-Bello

#TravCulture: Nigeria Travel Week!

The 3rd edition of the Nigeria Travel week will be holding in November for 3 days. CLICK HERE to find out more.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions through my email: hello and follow me on INSTAGRAM @Thefisayo for more tips on travels and tourism in AFRICA. ?

CLICK HERE to subscribe to this newsletter if you are yet to.

PS: If you know any body that is looking at starting a tour operating/ travel business in Africa but has little or no resources to start?? If you can, please give the person this form to fill. They would be added to a new platform and it would be easy for both local and international tourists to see and book their tours, without them having to spend money on anything.