The new book about Zambia Tourism by Gill Staden
(Posted with her permission 08th February 2022)
History of Kafue Park My first book, a Window on Zambia’s Past, has gone down well with readers, and my latest book, History of Kafue Park, delves deeper into the history of the park and the surrounding Game Management Areas. It covers the original Bantu – Kaonde, Ila, Nkoya, Lozi, Tonga, Sala and Lenje – who migrated into the Kafue region of Zambia from before 1000AD, through their lives and then the impact of the slave trade and the British annexation. It charts the change in attitudes of the British administrators as they watched the wildlife disappearing fast under the impact of guns and how they came about the decision to save the wildlife from extinction. It is a fascinating journey of history, one which I have been lucky enough to research and print for everyone to enjoy. Books can be bought on Amazon. Gill also wrote several other books, among them ‘Beyond the Victoria Falls’, all of them also available through online bookshops. |