The Latest from Ol Pejeta – Kenya’s most complete wilderness experience

Ol Pejeta Conservancy News Updates

Ol Pejeta Conservancy
Dear ATC Readers,
LMS cricket
Cricket for Conservation
The English have a phrase – ‘it’s just not cricket’ – to describe something that is unfair or unacceptable. They’d probably say that the rhino poaching crisis is ‘just not cricket’ but in the case of the Last Male Standing tournament, we might to disagree. Yes, our annual cricket match is back!

On the 17th and 18th June,12 teams will meet on Ngerenyi Plain to bat it out for the winning honours. Funds raised will go toward rhino conservation. With Mount Kenya as the backdrop and rhino, giraffe, and zebra among the spectators, this is set to be a truly unique day of cricket and great fun for all the family.

Those interested in coming to cheer on the teams can find out more by e-mailing Rob from Last Male Standing. If you can’t make it, you can still support this great cause by donating here.

Guide Training
Our guides like to keep on top of their game (not literally… we’d never suggest trying to ride a wild rhino). Find out how Essential Guiding are helping them get there.

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Guiding on Ol Pejeta
Global Tourism Award
Ol Pejeta Wins Global Tourism Award
Ol Pejeta’s innovative approach to tourism, conservation and community has won top honours at the 2017 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards. At a ceremony in Bangkok, Thailand, Ol Pejeta was awarded the Community Award, an achievement we are all immensely proud of.

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"The Last Animals" is premiering in Europe
The Last Animals is a story about an extraordinary group of people who go to incredible lengths to save the planet’s last animals. The documentary follows the conservationists, scientists and activists battling poachers and transnational trafficking syndicates to protect elephants and rhinos from extinction. From Africa’s frontlines to behind the scenes of Asian markets to the United States, the film takes an intense look at the global response to this slaughter and the desperate measures to genetically rescue the northern white rhinos who are on the edge of extinction.

When: June 10th, 6pm
Where: Sheffield Doc Festival, United Kingdom

Greener Pastures?
What happened to the Scott’s Hide Grevy’s zebra stallion when he ventured into unchartered territory?

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Grevy's zebra on Ol Pejeta
Just for our members

This June 23rd, Ol Pejeta members get the chance to go behind the scenes with our superstar chimpanzee Manno. If you needed another reason to become a member, we have just given you one. It’s exclusive "behind the scenes" opportunities like these that make it worth while being an Ol Pejeta member.

// and here is how

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Junior Ranger Club!

We like to keep things exciting – which is why we’re bringing in a new activity from June 1st! That’s tomorrow.

Get the kids involved in conservation by getting them to join Ol Pejeta’s Junior Ranger’s Club.

// join the club

Ol Pejeta Conservancy
Become a member
Ol Pejeta is a non-profit wildlife conservancy in Kenya supporting endangered species, tourism and community outreach.
T: +254 707 187 141

© 2017 Ol Pejeta Conservancy