The Livingstone biWeekly’s latest edition

Happy New Year from Gill Staden, publisher of the Livingstone bi-Weekly

It’s a short one. Everyone has been too busy enjoying the holiday.

Click on the link below for the latest issue:

More on ZESCO
The President writes about Climate Change
Kapishya hit by lightning
AfDB not happy with Zambia
The History of the Lamba people
Plans afoot for Solar in Victoria Falls Town
Rain in Namibia
Conservation work in Mozambique
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Buy Local

Some Videos

The Bushcamp Company
Eight wild dogs were hanging out in the Mfuwe Lodge lagoon in South Luangwa National Park when an elephant showed up and decided he wanted them gone!
Everyone watching from the Mfuwe Lodge deck agreed that it’s hard to say who won; we think it was pretty much a tie!
Filmed by Mtimba Zulu and George Dempster
A forest reserve outside Zambia’s capital, Lusaka, has shrunk to just 716 hectares (1,770 acres) from its original 1,750-hectare (4,320-acre) span to make way for housing and lifestyle developments.

BBC Earth
There are only two northern white rhinos left on the planet; the result of decades of poaching of the species. Can science save the last of these giants?

Custodians of Wilderness: Sidinda Conservancy Zimbabwe.
The Conservation Imperative

National Geographic
When Tizola Moyo started as a ranger in 1993, Majete Wildlife Reserve was devoid of any wildlife. Now, with the help of the park’s rangers and community collaboration, it’s flourishing.