The #NigeriaTravelWeek is now underway


(Posted 22nd November 2017)

Many questions have been asked over the past weeks what the Nigeria Travel Week was all about, over and above the upcoming Nigeria Travel Awards, which are part of the week long events.
Said Efetobo Awhana, the CEO of NTW, to this correspondent some time ago: ‘We intend to increase networking and partnerships between stakeholders in in the travel industry. We also want to create awareness about both domestic as well as inbound tourism. We want to start a culture of traveling for Nigerians, their own country and also across Africa‘.
Today, Wednesday, did the NTW Golf Tournament take place – results will be published tomorrow – while on Thursday the panel sessions will swing into action, discussing among other issues ‘LEVERAGING TOURISM FOR A VIBRANT & SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY‘ and also ‘NATIONAL CARRIER & TOURISM DEVELOPMENT – COSTS VERSUS BENEFITS‘ with this correspondent on the latter panel, aviation being one of his specialty fields.

(The Nigeria Travel Week top team)

The stated goals of the event were given as:

  • To help nurture healthy leisure lifestyles – having a proper balance of work and leisure.
  • To promote domestic tourism in Nigeria and thus ensure a proper balance in the Africans travelling Africa campaign on the continent
  • To change the media and general narrative of Nigeria from the negative to what it truly is – a rich ecotourism and cultural tourism destination.
  • To achieve 20% of Nigerians travelling Nigeria in 5 years
  • To create 2,000,000 direct and indirect jobs by 2022

Noble and ambitious goals but given the industry experience of the promoters not beyond reach and therefore achievable within the given time frame.

The grand finale on Saturday night will be the presentation of the Nigeria Travel Awards so be sure to watch this space on Sunday for the winners in each of the various categories.

This event is organized by: