The Saint Ange Tourism Report Special Edition Issue 4 with Zilwa Publications


(Posted 24th July 2020)

Seychellois are currently feeling the full weight of the economic crisis gripping our Nation, and this is only the start. We find ourselves in the midst of a pandemic that shows no sign of relenting, and it is causing real and lasting worldwide economic damage. We are entering into a deep and sustained global recession.

Despite televised promises and assurances to the contrary by our Head of State, people are losing their employment, their allowances and their financial security. Seychellois are being warned of difficult times to come by our elected representatives, and are expected to make sacrifices and cut-backs to weather the storm. The cut-backs that public workers are facing include a slashing of their monthly allowances, which served to bolster an otherwise unremarkable salary, and many employees in the private sector have found themselves being made redundant following the collapse of our tourism industry.

On their part, our elected representatives (whose monthly allowances remain unerringly intact) are expected to make certain reasonable sacrifices and compromises as well. Seychellois expect their leaders to make decisions in the best interests of our Nation, and of its citizens. Wasteful expenditure during this uncertain time should be disbanded and discontinued immediately. For instance, rather than holding three separate and costly elections for the upcoming Presidential, Parliamentary, and Regional / District Council elections, they should be lumped together and dealt with as a whole in October. It would save our economy millions of rupees to do so.

Furthermore, we have received countless complaints from concerned citizens of La Digue regarding the demolishment/refurbishment of a historical Police Station in La Passe. This building housed the Island’s police station, courthouse and post office. It is uncertain what the Government intends to do with this notable building, which has been a feature in the gateway of La Digue longer than the ruling political party has been in power, but surely this expense can wait until our economy is not as unstable as it presently is. We need to honour our old buildings for they form part of our heritage and our culture; they ought to be safeguarded and not torn down needlessly.

With many Seychellois families wondering how they are going to survive the months ahead, there is much the Government can do to assist them. However, with the elections fast approaching, the left hand does not quite seem to know what the right hand is doing, or does not seem to care. The Executive and Legislative branches seem to be pushing their own agendas, their eyes on what they deem to be the ultimate prize: another 5 years in glorified positions of power and authority. However, such power is meaningless, at least for the citizens who elected them into higher office, if it is not used to benefit the People, and to alleviate senseless poverty in our Country. Seychellois shall soon be tasked with making a choice. They may choose to cast their votes the same way they have always done, or not to cast their votes at all, in which case they should be unsurprised to find that they shall endure what they always have, for a further 5 years. Seychellois have the right to vote, but they have the corresponding duty to ensure that their decision is an informed one.

A vote for One Seychelles is a vote for a stronger economy, a thriving tourism industry, more viable fisheries and agriculture sectors, a lower cost of living and a better standard of living for Seychellois. A vote for me is a vote for real change.

Alain St.Ange

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