To merge or not to merge, that is now the question in #Zimbabwe’s aviation scene


(Posted 06th July 2018)

Reports are coming out of Harare that the Zimbabwean government may consider merging their two airlines, Air Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe Airways, to consolidate their airline holdings.
Air Zimbabwe, the erstwhile national airline, is saddled with debt which has affected their operations in the past and in the present and has largely been reduced to a domestic and regional carrier at this stage.
Zimbabwe Airways in contrast, has not taken to the skies but apparently ordered and paid for at least one, perhaps several Boeing B777 ex Malaysia. One of these planes was in fact delivered to Harare a few weeks ago but apparently flown back to Malaysia, leaving question marks hanging over the future of the airline, which seems to have spent substantial funds to acquire the planes and have them undergo heavy maintenance.
Talks are now apparently taking place between Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport to find a solution to the impasse, though the source in Harare pointed out that to make the airline truly spread the wings again to Europe and beyond, Air Zimbabwe’s debts first need to be cleared.
As often, only time will tell how this might pan out so be sure to keep watching this space for updates, as and when available.