Tourism News Updates from Zambia, Zimbabwe and beyond


(Posted 04th November 2020)

ATCNews readers once again have the opportunity to learn what is going on in Zambia, Zimbabwe and the wider region as far as tourism and conservation issues are concerned.
Brought to you as always courtesy of Gill Staden, greatly appreciated!

News from Livingstone

Click on the link below:


Snare removal in Mosi-oa-Tunya NP
Elephant kills young boy
Elephant Connection working on NP fence
Lion Warning
Degazetting parts of Dambwa Forest
Fires around Lusaka
No more mealies in gardens
Copper waste-dam spills
Plane crash near Mana Pools
Fire near Mana Pools
Zim to open borders
Buffaloes dead in Moremi
Botswana to allow charter flights
Vulture poisoning near Makgadikgadi
Owen walks to save Kunene Crocs
Fires in Etosha
Take care on roads for young wild dogs

Some Videos

TEDx Talks
Wildlife populations in Africa have depleted rapidly over the last few decades, with poaching and habitat loss portrayed as the major contributors. In this talk, Dr David Squarre sheds light on a silent but potent killer of wildlife in Africa and how raising this killer’s profile can impact current conservation efforts. Dr. David Squarre is a conservationist and wildlife veterinarian with experience in using veterinary science and wildlife forensics to support wildlife conservation and combat wildlife crime in Zambia. He is particularly passionate about rhino and pangolin conservation programmes. His research interest is molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases of veterinary, conservation and public health importance at the human-wildlife-livestock interface in Zambia. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Africa Geographic
Naptime for elephants! Watch this enchanting scene filmed by Ade Coley of Flatdogs Camp in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia.

60 Second Docs posted an episode of 60 Second Docs Presents.
Meet the giant rats sniffing out landmines.

Gonarezhou Conservation Trust – Jerusalema Challenge
After a long and lonely journey through the streets of Harare, Chivu, Gutu and Chiredzi, the dancing rhino finally found her way to Gonarezhou National Park! The homecoming rhino was welcomed with GCT’s version of the #jerusalemadance and has been jiving with her new found family ever since! A big thank you to Save the Rhino International for allowing us to use their dancing rhino and by doing so, helping to create awareness of the plight of rhino in Zimbabwe and around the world.
Gonarezhou’s original black rhino population was killed sometime between the 1930s and 1940s. Black rhino were reintroduced into the area from 1969-1977 with the initial population of 77 rising to 140. Sadly, these rhino were killed during the wave of rhino poaching that swept through the African continent in the early 1980’s. We are so looking forward to seeing the dancing rhino being joined once again by black rhino into the wilds of Gonarezhou and can’t wait to share that story with you as it unfolds!

Peace Parks Foundation posted an episode of Fellowship of the clan – the hyena story.
??? ?????? ?????? you asked? Well – because nature needs them!
Apart from of course being the coolest of the carnivore guild, these scavenger-predators play a very unique (and kind!) role in an ecosystem.
??? ???????: Watch and learn how the spotted hyenas help feed smaller scavengers and keep Zinave National Park’s ecosystem clean and healthy!
The clan’s new home has captured the hearts of all who visit and is fast becoming one of Africa’s most beloved ???????????? ??????? ???????.