– Coronavirus pandemic: Namibia to launch a “targeted international tourism revival initiative” during final stage of its four-stage strategy to exit the coronavirus lockdown!

Namibia’s President Dr. Hage G. Geingob (22 June 2020) announced that 13 of the 14 regions of Namibia will migrate from stage three to stage four of the country’s four-stage strategy to exit the coronavirus lockdown at midnight on 29 June 2020. The Erongo Region, which is currently in stage one lockdown, will migrate to stage three at midnight tonight, Monday 22 June 2020.
As of today, Namibia has a total of 63 confirmed cases of covid-19, with 28 new cases reported during the past 7-day period. Twenty-four out of the 28 newly reported cases originate from the Erongo Region.

The following measures will apply to all residents across Namibia, except for the Erongo Region:

  1. Namibia will migrate from stage three to stage four with Relaxed Precautions on 30 June to 17 September 2020 for an extended 10-week period.
  2. Points of entry will remain closed except for the transportation of imported goods. Government in collaboration with the Tourism and Hospitality sector will conduct a targeted International Tourism revival initiative between 15 July to 15 August 2020. This initiative will look to accommodate a limited number of tourists, who will be determined in consultation with the private sector, from a carefully selected low risk market that has potential to contribute towards Namibia’s tourism sector that employs over 100,000 Namibians. Modalities for this initiative will be announced in coming weeks and this trial will inform and strengthen public sector preparations for the imminent reopening of Points of Entry under stage five.
  3. Travel related quarantine: As from 30 June 2020, all Namibians & Non-Namibians entering the country must submit to a COVID19 PCR test on arrival and mandatory, Government supervised Quarantine, at own cost. Only citizens who cannot afford to quarantine at own cost (as will be defined in the Directives) can apply to be quarantined at cost to Government.
  4. The size of public gatherings will increase to 250 people for social gatherings including weddings, funerals and religious gatherings. Members of the public must strictly adhere to the Health & Hygiene protocols.
  5. Education: The resumption of Pre-Primary (Grades Zero to 3) is hereby deferred for a period of two-weeks across all 14 regions, until Monday 06 July 2020. The Ministry of Education will provide an updated schedule to the public.
  6. Government will continue to strengthen public health response measures through Surveillance, Testing, Contact Tracing and Isolation of confirmed cases, and by intensifying public education. [src.]

The following measures will apply to all residents of the Erongo Region:

  1. The Erongo region will migrate from stage one to stage three at midnight tonight, Monday 22 June 2020 until midnight on Monday 06 July 2020, for an initial period of 14 days or one-incubation cycle.
  2. Travel between towns in the Erongo region and to the rest of the country, will be permitted, with exception of the Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis Local Authority Areas.
    Considering the linkages and movement of labour between the towns of Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis, travel between these Local Authority Areas will be permitted. However travel into and out of these Local Authority Areas to the rest of the country is highly discouraged and will be restricted to emergency situations only, as defined in the Regulations. Bearing in mind that the disease does not move by itself but through human carriers, all residents are strongly urged to avoid unnecessary travel during this period, and allow authorities to conduct the active case search at these towns, in an effort to determine the extent of spread of disease into the community.
  3. Essential service providers as defined in the Regulations and truck drivers will be permitted to travel into and out of the region on the basis of an authorized permit. To avoid local truck drivers mixing with cross-border truck drivers, the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and Social Services are directed to identify separate Truck Ports and parking areas at Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis Local Authority Areas. Local truck drivers are to be escorted by law enforcement officials to and from their respective delivery destinations.
  4. Public gatherings at Erongo region will be restricted to 50 persons with exception of Walvis Bay, Swakopmund & Arandis Local Authority Areas, which will be restricted to gatherings of 10 persons. 4
  5. Education: Schools across the Erongo region that meet the ‘COVID-19 Compliance Standards’ may resume face-to-face instruction for Grade 11 and 12.
    For Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis Local Authority Areas, the resumption of Grades 11, 12, and Pre-Primary (Grades Zero to 3) remains suspended for the next 14 days. Face-to-face instruction will be determined pending observation of the unfolding situation in those towns.
  6. Vulnerable persons, in categories as defined, will be permitted to work from home at Erongo region subject to authorization issued by the Employer and upon presentation of a valid Medical Certificate. Old Age Homes should remain under isolation and caregivers should strictly adhere to the Health & Hygiene Protocols.

Added information:

“— update (22 June 2020): Namibia has added an additional stage five, estimated from 18 September 2020, to address exclusively the opening of Points of Entry and the resumption of Air Travel. —“