– Namibia’s International Tourism Revival Initiative: Namibia stops enforcing mandatory quarantine for tourists!

Namibia’s Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta, has announced ammendments to the country’s International Tourism Revival Initiative (TRI) protocols. Since the TRI protocols got implemented, Namibia’s tourism industry has not seen any bookings. This, as well as the fact that other countries in the region have opened up their borders with fewer restictions, has led the Government of Namibia to amend the TRI protocols in order to keep the country’s tourism industry competetive. The TRI protocols are amended as follows:

  1. Upon arrval at Hosea Kutako International Airport (WDH) in Windhoek, tourists proceed to the pre-booked destination and engage in the planned daily tourist activities at the facility for the numer of days the tourist is staying there.
  2. If tourists intend to spend less than five days at the pre-booked facility, tourists can proceed to the next destination. However, on day five, tourists must be available for a PCR test (“swabbing”) whereever they are.
  3. Tourists must be reachable on day seven to receive the results of the PCR test (“swabbing”).
  4. If the result is negative, tourists are released from any surveillance. If the result is positive, tourists will be taken to the isolation facilities identified by Namibia’s Ministry of Health and Social Services and treated at their own cost and according to national case management guidelines.