South Africa’s Government will implement a gradual and phased recovery of economic activity from 01 May 2020 with the alert level be eased from highest level 5 to level 4. The Government has indicated that this risk-adjusted approach to the coronavirus is expected to last at least 6 – 8 months until the alert level will reach level 1. Limited domestic air travel will be permitted only from alert level 3 in special circumstances, while unristricted interprovincial travel is only permitted from lockdown level 2.
South Africa’s airlines have therefore again adjusted their planes to resume operations. The country’s flag carrier, South African Airways, as well as its subsidary Mango, have provisionally suspended all flights until 31 May 2020 and anticipate to resume services from 01 June 2020. FlySafair will suspend all scheduled operations until the travel restrictions are lifted. Comair, which operates scheduled services on domestic routes in South Africa as a British Airways franchisee and also operates as a low-cost carrier under its own brand, has announced that flights will remain suspended for the duration of the lockdown in South Africa. Regional carrier will inform the public regarding the date or service resumption once the lockdown in South Africa has been phased out. CemAir, which will operate several repatriation flights in early May 2020, has not made any further plans public. We’ll keep you posted!