Two friends – dearly missed


(Posted 31st August 2020)

Either did time stand still or fly by, a year after my friend Antoinette De Souza so suddenly passed away only months after her husband Lewis had died.

My friendship with both goes back to the 1970’s, not long after I had arrived in Kenya, first as a two year wonder – as expats were at times called – then as a four year wonder and then to never look back after making East Africa my adopted home.

Friends of this caliber are hard to find, and while – after I moved to Uganda in the early 90’s – we lost sight we did not lose touch.
I would bump into Lewis ever so often when visiting Kenya and the same was the case with Antoinette as well, in fact the very last meeting in 2018 I had with them both in Cape Town made us sit down and reminisce, walk down memory lane together and all three of us being astonished about the episodes we heard from each other.

Having turned 70 this year also gave me the signal that I am entering into the last quarter of my own life and it gave me cause to take stock.
There is much to remember over the past 45 years in East Africa, and much about my life before, but what stands out are the friends I made and kept and Antoinette and Lewis were special ones for that matter.

As I write this I raise my tea cup to them both – brewed from Kenya’s finest Kericho Gold of course … You are both dearly missed and until we meet again!