(Posted 31st October 2013)
The launch this week and last week of two new Seychellois owned hotels, the Treasure Cove Hotel and the Crown Beach Hotel, signal a renewed spirit of confidence in the future of the tourism industry from among local investors in the hospitality industry. The opening earlier this week of the Treasure Cove Hotel in Bel Ombre, located not too far from the proposed site where the Seychelles Heritage Foundation will put up the replica of a pirate frigate as an additional tourism attraction, gave Minister St. Ange once again an opportunity to applaud the entrepreneurial spirit of his fellow citizens who decided to invest in the sector when he said: ‘We are proud of you for what you have achieved in doing. I have seen your bedrooms and know that the spectacular and uninterrupted views over the turquoise blue seas will be appreciated by all visitors who will be lucky to select your property. When we said that Seychelles needed to claim back its tourism industry, it was an appeal to get more of our Seychellois business community to do like the MacGregor and Laporte Families have done. We need Seychellois onboard to help our country consolidate its tourism industry for the long term. When Seychellois are involved they will defend and they will protect our tourism industry, the industry that remains the pillar of our country’s economy’.
Similarly did the owners of the Crown Beach Hotel at Pointe Au Sel take pride to show off their new 12 room boutique hotel when they hosted sections of the media invited by the Seychelles Tourism Board to cover the Festival Kreol on Tuesday evening for sundowners.
Meanwhile is a new hotel development, the Savoy, rising along the Beau Vallon Bay stretch of beach as part of the proposed ‘Golden Mile’, due for completion in 2014 but already advertising in the local media for key positions. The Golden Mile project aims to improve the core of the Beau Vallon Bay area and make it more user friendly for locals and tourists alike, who often stroll along the road to the shops, the famous Boathouse Creole Restaurant or the La Plague, renowned for the fresh seafood served either indoors or outdoors. The ‘Golden Mile’ development is set to incorporate local hotels and resorts, guest houses, restaurants and shops into a safe zone where visitors can enjoy walks while playgrounds for children will provide the local people to come there on weekends or holidays to interact with foreign visitors. Watch this space for more updates from the Seychelles, truly Another World.
(Tourism Minister Alain St. Ange seen here officially unveiling the commemorative plaque in the presence of the owners, including his cabinet colleague on the left, Minister for Finance Pierre Laporte)