UCOTA News from the grassroots of tourism in Uganda

Uganda Community Tourism

Association E-newsletter

July- August 2015

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The Uganda Community Tourism Association’s mission is to spearhead sustainable community-based tourism in collaboration with stakeholders, aiming at increasing community benefits, promoting quality standards, ownership and conservation of natural and cultural resources for better livelihoods in Uganda.

Letter From the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities

Dancing to the drum Beat

Garden at the homestay

Guides and facilitators in session

Scenic view in one of the walks by Nyundo Valley hill

Yendo dance troupe performing Dingding Dance.

Dear Reader,
Welcome to the UCOTA July- August monthly E-Newsletter. This issue features news from UCOTA, our member community enterprises, Uganda tourism industry stakeholders and other tourism related information. The editorial team would like to appreciate you for taking time to read this issue and will appreciate your feedback and comments to help improve the subsequent editions.
We thank you for visiting our websites, www.ucota.or.ug, www.pearlsofuganda.org and interacting with us on the UCOTA facebook, twitter and blog pages. We wish you enjoyable reading and a pleasant month of September…!

Thank you!
Helen Lubowa
Executive Director


UCOTA’s office has relocated

Uganda Community Tourism Association wishes to inform all stakeholders, partners and friends that the UCOTA office location changed from plot 7A, Lugogo Bypass to Galaxy House, Bukoto Plot 1732, next to Ntinda infant school, Old Kira Road. The office contacts remain the same; Tel:+256 772657700. Email: <a href="mailto:ucota See map for directions.

Registration of Community Based Tourism Enterprises (CBTEs).
UCOTA is spearheading inventory development of all community Based tourism enterprises (CBTEs) in Uganda. All managers of CBTEs are therefore encouraged to register their CBTEs either through (1) UCOTA websites; ucota , info, (3) Phone (direct calls/ sms) 414 501866, 0772657700, 0712500019 or physically at the office (map below). The registration information includes;
Name and type of enterprise, location, ownership (if community number of males/females), contacts, services offered and prices, number of staff, number direct and indirect beneficiaries and community development projects supported by enterprise.

Why register?
1. To plan for better service delivery by both government and UCOTA e.g capacity building and marketing.
Be part of the National CBTE inventory

Mubaku Community Conservation Organisation
The remote community of Mubaku is located beside the sprawling savannah of Murchison Falls National Park, in the sun-drenched North Western region of Uganda. The village is a collection of traditional thatched mud huts around a central clearing, where villagers gather to escape the midday sun under the shade of a large tree. In this dry climate, the community cultivates cotton and cassava, which is ground into bread flour or fermented to make waragi gin. Read more
Mugenyi Homestay

Mugyenyi homestay is located in Western Uganda 20km along the Fort-Portal-Kasese highway with half a kilometer from the highway. It is a basic and modest home that can accommodate 3 visitors a night. Some of the activities offered are; storytelling, traditional cuisines enriched with fresh organic vegetables, village walk, experience of traditional farming and interacting with local community as they take on their cores. Interested visitors are given a chance to participate in food preparation and local handcraft making. Read more

Tour guides training in the "Gate way"
In a bid to promote and market the Rwenzori Gate-way as a preferred destination, UCOTA and Eco-trust partnered and conduct a training of the all community guides that operate from the area to improve their service delivery especially in regards to the information and the way it is packaged and delivered to the visitors. The training was also intended to prepare the guides for the forthcoming national guides’ certification by the government of Uganda. Read more

A Makerere intern’s experience in Nyundo, South Western Uganda.
Uganda Community Tourism Association works with different universities to attach trainees/ interns to put in practice what they learn in class as they relate and apply it to the real business world. In July 2015, UCOTA attached Ivan, a third year student to Nyundo in the South West of Uganda and in this issue we share with you his experience and accomplishments. His was to identify the best practices in community tourism, the challenges and the opportunities therein.
Ivan is a tourism professional in making from Makerere University College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences who braved to go down south western Uganda to do his internship, he is soft spoken but courageous. Below is a Q&A with him on his 2 months experience in the south west. Read more

Upendo holds a fundraising gala
Upendo Art and Craft Association, a UCOTA member in Northern Uganda, organised a fundraising gala that took place in Lira town aimed at raising money for a community museum. UPENDO used this opportunity to raise awareness and educate the community and leaders about the work the association does and the importance of conserving the Langi culture that is declining at a terrific rate especially among the young generation. Read more

Advertising Opportunities

UCOTA is offering advertisement space on the ucota or phone us on+256(0)414501866/ +256(0)772657700.

Uganda Tourism News

Uganda Sustainability Tourism Leaders

Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Camp
Uganda Safari Company
Mahogany springs
Uganda Lodges
Tour Operators
The Far Horizons
Matoke Tours
Great Lakes Safaris
Pearl of Africa Tours and Travel
Red Chilli Safaris

Funding Opportunities

The Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund(VGIF)

Rufford Small grants

Nominations Open for 2016 Buffett Award for Leadership in African Conservation

Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP)

Channel Foundation Grants Advancing Women Rights & Combating Gender Inequality

African Women’s Development Fund for the Empowerment of African WomenDeadline: Ongoing

Further Reading

Diary Dates

Travel Quotes

  • Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
  • “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” – Ralph Waldo Emerson·
  • “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J. R. R. Tolkien·
  • “A wise traveler never despises his own country.” –Carlo Goldoni
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