Ugandans will once more have the opportunity to get into the countrys national parks and forest reserves free of charge at the end of the month, when the Uganda Wildlife Authority and the National Forest Authority have combined forces to promote bird watching. Coinciding with the World Tourism Day, an event celebrated year after year in Uganda, alternately in Kampala and then again at a chosen location outside the capital city, the open door weekend will undoubtedly attract thousands of extra visitors to the protected areas, where the focus will be on birding.
Uganda is blessed with over 1.000 species of migratory and resident birds, many of them endemic to certain areas of the country and the parks or reserves located there, and Queen Elizabeth National Park alone is home to over 600 species, making it one of the richest birdwatching areas in the world. Specialized safari operators have for years now concentrated on marketing their services around the world in tourism trade fairs and exhibitions dedicated to birding and it is a known fact that tourists coming for such activities stay longer and spend more money than visitors on conventional safaris.
A splendid idea by UWA and NFA, to bring Ugandas biodiversity and natural wonders closer to Ugandans, so that they too can not just enjoy them but also appreciate the need to protect and conserve natures gifts for future generations.

2 Responses
wow,that is great and this will encourage both locals and foreigners to participate in most tourism activities in the country not only for bird watching but also to visit other areas of tourism interest in different protected areas.Thanks to UWA and NFA.
This article is informative that bird watching is popular all over the world