#Uganda mourns the loss of another ranger at the hands of armed poachers


(Posted 07th December 2020)


The poaching menace in Uganda has again reared its ugly head as yet another ranger was shot dead by armed poachers in Kibale Forest National Park.

The park is known for primate tourism but the forest has in past years faced assaults not just through poaching but also through illegal logging and land encroachment. Here often local politicians play a murky role when they promise their constituents land during elections campaigns, sadly something government has never taken seriously enough to the point of prosecuting such individuals for irresponsible utterances.

Sergeant Matsipa served the Uganda Wildlife Authority in several capacities for the past 23 years and rose to the rank of sergeant last deployed in Kibale Forest as a ranger.

On a personal level is his untimely death a heavy blow for his family of 7 children who will now have to go into the festive season without their father.

Rangers across the world have faced armed opposition, be it in Uganda or in Southern Africa and across Eastern Africa. Often poorly paid and remunerated are the rangers forming the frontline of defense against poaching and are often paying a heavy price in terms of injuries and loss of life.

ATCNews recognized the work done by rangers across Africa and the rest of the world and extends condolences and sincere sympathy to the family, friends and colleagues of the late Sgt. Emmanuel Matsipa.