Uganda news update – New lake ferry launched


MV Amani was a few days ago introduced to the media at the Port Bell pier, with the start of operations now imminent it was learned. The 150 seater passenger ferry will according to the owners ‘Earth Wise Ventures’ offer connections from Port Bell / Kampala to Kisumu / Kenya, Mwanza / Tanzania and the Ssese Islands.

Assembled at a cost of approximately 2.5 million US Dollars the ferry will only carry passengers, no cars or bulk cargo and is expected to be joined by sister ships over the next 5 years.

Uganda Railway’s ferries are either under repair or unserviceable and only one lake ferry is presently plying the route between Port Bell and Mwanza, regularly bringing railway wagons, originating from Dar es Salaam, across the lake.

Tour operators have for long advocated the introduction of lake steamers, on Lake Victoria but also on Lake Albert to offer added attractions for tourists visiting Uganda, but until now have lake and river based activities, apart from white water rafting in Jinja, not landed major investments, leaving many opportunities untouched.