(Posted 5th March 2020)

Given the growing spread of COVID19 has the Ugandan government in consultation with the United Nations decided to postpone the UN G77 Summit which was due to be held in Kampala from the 17th to the 19th of April this year.
Uganda’s Ambassador to the UN Adonia Ayebare a short while ago tweeted:
Due to the corona virus pandemic and in consultation with the G77 member states , the Third South Summit that was to take place 16-19 April 2020 has been postponed to a later date this years. Pre -summit preparations will continue. @G77_UNHQ
More than 6000 delegates were expected to come to Uganda and the postponement will be a blow to the hospitality industry in the country which had banked on the windfall of the summit.
Unlike with the recent cancellation of ITB, the world’s largest tourism fair, which was only announced literally on the eve of the event, has the Ugandan government taken all concerns into account however and decided at a very early stage to put a halt to the summit – at least for now – and gave countries and their delegates ample time to adjust to the change.
As of today there is no known case of a COVID19 outbreak in Eastern Africa, and while now 7 countries, including South Africa, have reported COVID19 cases, is Uganda determined to keep the virus out of the country.