#UgandaAirlines set for repatriation flight from Johannesburg to Entebbe


(Posted 21st June 2020)

Uganda Airlines has confirmed that the airline will operate a repatriation flights next week to bring Ugandans stranded in South Africa back to Uganda.
Only two days ago did the airline show the first clear signs that flight operations – halted since the government closed the airports and shut down air traffic on 22nd of March – will soon relaunch again.
All four of the airline’s CRJ900’s took to the skies for a test flight and also to give pilots the opportunity to retain flight status after the enforced break of three months.
Prior to the pandemic had Uganda Airlines announced that Johannesburg, and also Kinshasa, would be the next two destinations but fate intervened and this did not happen at the time.
When the charter flight to Johannesburg is leaving Entebbe – it is not clear at present if South Africans stranded in Uganda will be able to buy a ticket and fly home – will it be novel sight for South Africans when an aircraft flying the Ugandan flag will land in Johannesburg. The only time a CRJ900 of Uganda Airlines had previously been to South Africa was two years ago when Bombardier used one of the Uganda Airlines aircraft for an African demonstration tour, which touched Johannesburg and Cape Town before flying on to West Africa.

Uganda Airlines could potentially be tapping into a rich market with repatriation flights for Ugandans to come home and ATCNews will closely monitor developments and make announcements as and when additional destinations will be named for such services.

2 Responses

  1. i also want to come back home because am being assaulted where i work as a housemaid in dubai