Uganda’s President Museveni names Prof. Ephraim Kamuntu as new Tourism Minister


(Posted 06th June 2016)

(Outgoing and incoming – Dr. Maria Mutagamba and Prof. Ephraim Kamuntu)

When Dr. Maria Mutagamba announced ahead of the February General Elections, that she would not contest her constituency in Rakai but opt out of elective politics, was the stage set for her exit from cabinet too. She successfully served as Minister for Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities for several years and made a splendid ambassador for Uganda when attending tourism trade fairs or served as President of the Africa Travel Association from 2014 to 2015.
Today though was her departure from the Ministry brought closer, when President Museveni named Prof. Kamuntu as his choice of Tourism Minister in his new cabinet.
All nominees now must go through a formal process of confirmation by Parliament and only when confirmed can they be sworn in, officially taking charge of their given portfolios.
Prof. Kamuntu is no stranger to the sector as he served in previous governments as State Minister in the then Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry, before the sector was given its own ministry back, correcting the earlier bundling of portfolios to the great disadvantage of the tourism industry.
Prof. Kamuntu also served as Vice Chairman on the Rhino Fund Uganda when this correspondent was elected as Chairman for his first term in 2001.
Congratulations are extended from the entire team at eTN and ATC News on his appointment while offering sincere thanks to outgoing Minister Dr. Maria Mutagamba for her devoted and capable service over the past few years.