#UgandaWildlifeAuthority announces an #ElephantWalk in Murchison Falls NP


(Posted 20th October 2023)


Courtesy of Charlotte Beauvoisin, Publisher of ‘Diary of a Muzungu



Murchison Falls National Park in tandem with Elephant Conservation program-East and Central Africa has organised a walk to create awareness in Pakwach Town council on the 23rd of October, i.e. next Monday, at 8:00am prompt.

The walk will start at Panyamur junction on Nebbi road towards Pakwach Central police station and then back through the market Street up to Pakwach Town council offices where we shall have a talk for 30 minutes before walking back to the Highway through Pakwach Bridge, Tangi gate and end at Pakuba Lodge junction.

I request all nature lovers, hoteliers, Lodge owners, tour operators, schools around the town council, religious institutions, sister security forces and our conservation partners to join us in the walk aimed at raising awareness about the plight of Elephants under the theme; “Ivory belongs to Elephants”.

Come one, come all

Thank you.

From Management MFNP


Killed for their ivory


Thank you Charlotte for sharing this and allowing the message from UWA wider publicity and hopefully a more substantial participation.


Amazon.com: Ivory Belongs on Elephants Premium T-Shirt : Clothing, Shoes &  Jewelry