(Posted 20th September 2022)

REPORT: Unlocking new routes in Africa with e-flight |
Africa is a vast continent, covering more than 30 million square kilometres, with a relatively low density of road and rail infrastructure. Air transport is ideally suited to provide connectivity between cities, regions and countries that cannot otherwise be connected in a timely manner, enabling the flow of goods and people that drive economic activity. Africa’s 1.4 billion people represent almost 18% of the global population – it is the youngest population, with a median age of 18, and the fastest growing in the world. The continent offers an enormous potential market for aviation. However, up to now this potential has not fully materialised as Africa represents only 3% of global passenger traffic. A wide range of issues – from relatively low income levels and a lack of infrastructure to high operating costs and a restrictive regulatory environment – has hampered the growth of air travel seen in other regions. This has resulted in low connectivity and the highest airfares in the world. Increasing air services on the continent is a priority of the African Union (AU), embodied in the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) initiative. It has the potential to enhance and support a wide range of activities that improve the quality of life and contribute significantly to both the AU’s Agenda 2063 and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. It is within this context this report further explores the potential that new technologies have to offer to enhance sustainable connectivity on the continent. |
During AviaDev Africa 2022, the NACO team presented a though provoking session about the opportunities that exist for e-flight in Africa. Just what are the hurdles and opportunities that could be unlocked through this new technology? |

Connect with the authors today and watch this space for a follow up podcast coming soon |