#UNWTO News Updates

UNWTO: Laying out a Sustainable Future for Urban Tourism

Madrid, Spain, 1 August 2018 – Urban tourism and its potential for more sustainable and inclusive cities will be the major focus of the 7th UNWTO Global Summit on Urban Tourism (16-19 September 2018) in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The Summit aims to set out a vision looking to 2030 for this rapidly-growing tourism segment.

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Tourism and Construction have Power to Lead Move to Sustainable Economies

Madrid, Spain, 19 July 2018 – From infrastructure and communication to food production and transport, tourism and construction play key roles in a circular economy framework that supports sustainable development. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), together with the Sustainable Buildings and Construction Programme of the One Planet Network, addressed this challenge during the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (9-18 July, New York, USA).

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World Tourism Day Places Focus on Innovation & Digital Transformation

Madrid, Spain, 17 July 2018 – The importance of digital technologies in tourism, providing opportunities for innovation and preparing the sector for the future of work, is at the centre of World Tourism Day 2018, to be celebrated in Budapest, Hungary (27 September 2018).

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Collaboration and political support providing Côte d’Ivoire with sustainable tourism opportunities

Madrid, Spain, 9 July 2018 – The Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, praised Côte d’Ivoire’s results-oriented tourism strategy and infrastructure investment plans on a mission to the country this week.

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UNWTO partners with IE Business School to promote tourism innovation and entrepreneurship

Madrid (Spain), June 29, 2018 – The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and IE Business School, one of the world’s leading executive education centers, have agreed to join forces to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the tourism sector. Both will promote the role of academia within tourism innovation.

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UNTWO/Chimelong Media Award Deadline Extended

UNWTO in partnership with Chimelong is providing journalists with the unique opportunity to highlight their work on sustainable tourism and wildlife conservation. The UNWTO/Chimelong Programme is aimed at fostering Wildlife Conservation in the African continent through advocacy efforts to raise awareness, promotion of research, capacity building of tourism administrators and media and talent development to create a new generation of experts. In the framework of this programme, the UNTWO/Chimelong Media Award seeks to highlight the relevance of the media in showcasing experiences and efforts to advance sustainable tourism for wildlife. The call for submissions is open to any journalist who has published a written article, report and interview published in any of the UNWTO languages tackling the topic of wildlife conservation and tourism between January 2017 and July 2018. The deadline has been extended to 31st August. Click on the link below for more information and for the Terms & Conditions of entry.

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3rd UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism (6-7 September 2018, Chisinau, Moldova)
7th Global Summit on Urban Tourism (16-19 September 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
2nd Ministerial Roundtable, 2018 Japan Tourism EXPO (20-23 September 2018, Tokyo, Japan)
Official Celebration of World Tourism Day 2018 – Tourism and the digital transformation (27 September 2018, Budapest, Hungary)
8th UNWTO International Meeting on Silk Road Tourism (10-12 October 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece)

UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and Statistical Annex, June 2018

International tourism remains strong in the first four months of 2018. International tourist arrivals grew 6% in the first four months of 2018, compared to the same period last year, not only continuing the strong 2017 trend, but exceeding UNWTO’s forecast for 2018. Growth was led by Asia and the Pacific (+8%) and Europe (+7%). Africa (+6%), the Middle East (+4%) and the Americas (+3%) also recorded sound results. Earlier this year, UNWTO’s forecast for 2018 was between 4-5%.

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UNWTO launches an online Platform to Achieve SDGs through Tourism

UNWTO with the support of Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) has just launched the SDGs platform, an online tool designed to advance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through tourism. The platform is a co-creation space that allows users to access a wide range of resources, add their own initiatives, findings and projects, motivate discussion and collaboration, and share content related to tourism and sustainable development. The three main features of the platform, Learn, Share and Act, aim not only to educate but also to encourage conversation and collaboration towards a sustainable tourism sector. Tourism can play a huge part in achieving the SDGs and UNWTO is committed to provide the global tourism community with a space to come together and realize the 2030 Agenda.

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