Updated news from the Conservation Action Trust

Conservation Action Trust
Driven hunts: NSPCA gains warrant to farms where ‘barbaric slaughter’ is executed

7th September 2015 | News24 | Louzel Lombard |

Cape Town – Following an exposé on the investigate journalism television series Carte Blanche, animal activists from across South Africa have expressed their disgust with the practice of driven hunts, comparing the brutal killing to that of the Dolphin Cove slaughter. Adding suspense to the controversial story, a group of international hunters arrived on Monday … Full Story ?


03 September 2015 | NSPCA | NSPCA |

The NSPCAs Wildlife Protection Unit has compiled an in-depth report on the captive Elephant industry in South Africa. All information contained in this factual report has been obtained during ongoing physical inspections by our inspectors at facilities that keep elephants in captivity throughout South Africa. We are the only organisation that has a dedicated Wildlife … Full Story ?

‘Mak’ jagluiperd is g’n troetel-cheetah

06 September 2015 | Rapport | Don Pinnock | Free to Republish CREDIT CAT

Talle jagluiperds word oor die land heen as toeristetrekpleister aangehou. Maar die getal aanvalle wat voorkom, wys hulle is minder mak as wat hierdie ‘cheetah-ervaring’-plekke ons wil wysmaak, skryf Don Pinnock. Dis nie maklik om aan knaende joernaliste te verduidelik hoekom mak jagluiperds mense byt nie. Daarom beny ek Clarke Smith, woordvoerder van KwaCheetah, nie … Full Story ?

Petted cheetahs are biting back

06 SEP 2015 | Daily Maverick | Don Pinnock | Free to republish credit CAT

Keeping cheetahs as tourist attractions is widespread in South Africa. But, as a number of attacks have proved, they’re far less tame than ‘cheetah experience’ establishments would have you believe. As a series of attacks have proved, they can be downright dangerous. By DON PINNOCK. Explaining to a persistent journalist why tame cheetahs are biting … Full Story ?

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