Updates from the EWASO Lions

Promoting Human-Lion Coexistence in Northern Kenya

November 2019

A Leader is Feted

The world is waking up to Jeneria Lekilelei’s self-crafted approach to conservation in northern Kenya. On Thursday 21st November, Jeneria will be among three conservationists in Africa nominated for the Tusk Awards for Conservation. Promoting coexistence with carnivores is rare, and it is rarer still to find a gentle, deeply cultural leader who is bringing his people closer to sharing space with wildlife in a human occupied landscape. This is a proud moment for Kenya!

Watch the Tusk Awards Live here

For our supporters in the UK, please look out for Jeneria in the Telegraph newspaper on Saturday!

865391bd-81c1-4153-95d9-a739554aa611.jpgMama Simba in the U.S.

Our indomitable Mama Simba pioneers, Munteli and Mparasoroi in October returned from their maiden journey to the US. Our ladies were so determined to tell their story and help raise funds for Ewaso Lions that they were willing to face the great unknown to get this done. Three states and six cities later, their trip culminated in the WCN Expo where they spoke to one and all.

Listen to their talk here

52ac1e6e-04c7-4f44-8e41-2b231114dd39.jpgDisease Outbreak

In October, our team joined the Kenya Wildlife Service and other partners to battle the highly virulent canine distemper disease that hit wild dogs in Samburu. Having found the first sick wild dog, we rallied to contain the spread of the disease through a rapid response vaccination of domestic dogs in the area.

Read more on our new website here


Counting Kenya’s elusive lions

For months now, the Ewaso Lions Team has teamed up with the Kenya Wildlife Service to participate in Kenya’s first ever National Lion Survey – searching for Samburu and Isiolo’s most elusive lions over 3000km2. No African country has done this before. Four of our teams comprising warriors, scouts and women covered challenging terrain where we have had over 60 lion sightings. We can’t wait to get a better picture of the numbers next year once the results are published.

813147bd-ebd6-49b3-9abb-78966d1b65c9.jpgNew lessons for Mamas & Warriors

In July, Ewaso Lions teamed up with the Africa Educational Trust (AET) to refresh the Mama Simba and Warrior Watch classes, giving their learning experience new life. In July, the AET team came to camp to roll out the new REFLECT methodology. Classes are now far more exciting and relevant to our team, giving everyone new confidence in themselves and their work.

Watch the video on our new website here